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Community Questionnaire


We are now at an important part of the plan-making process. We need to decide the importance that the Neighbourhood Plan should give to a range of key issues already identified in the Vision Statement and at meetings of the forum.


You can also tell us about anything else that you think is important.


This questionnaire provides an opportunity for each Marina resident or worker to express their views before a draft Plan is prepared. You can complete as much or as little of the questionnaire as you want.


Please respond by 24th October 2019.



All information supplied will be held by the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Forum and will remain secure and confidential.

Your details will only be used for the purposes of notifying you about Forum meetings and activities, for any other legitimate use in the promotion and general running of the Forum and of the development of the Neighbourhood Plan. Your details will not be passed on to any third parties or used for marketing purposes in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. In submitting this form you agree that your membership details may be retained by officers of the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Forum for these purposes.

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